What benefit does a player gain with Indestructible on an Indestructible weapon? Even if Hoto is a caster weapon, those melee attributes can still be utilized if a player wanted to(not advisable but still an option). Bows/Crossbows have no durability to begin with, hence they never degrade or can never break so making them “Indestructible” is a complete and utter waste of a Zod rune. I got hung up on a Zod rune in a Missile weapon because it doesn’t make sense whatsoever. I’m sure there’s plenty of other examples where the rune effects don’t align with the item type or the runeword. I don’t understand why people get hung up about this We see Hoto has Vex, Pul and Thul runes in it even though mana leech, damage/AR to demons and cold damage is useless for a caster runeword. Indestructible on a Missile Weapon? Are you SERIOUS?! Drains life, thought that’s a nice touch.If it’s a BiS item over faith, it’s because it’s a larger investment Varying stats are significant for a 2 Jah investment on each roll.Has a running speed boost, which balances out the current fact that she’s the only melee class that doesn’t get faster run/walk from any skills yet needs it the most.Helps fill the hole for bowazons being not so great against bosses.Kind of an under performer in players 1 but great for solo players 8.This hopefully creates a decent Uber farming bow, or at least better than the available options currently out there.6% Chance to cast level 6 Amplify Damage on striking.

16% Chance to cast level 16 Amplify Damage when you Kill an Enemy.Seeing as I’m a bowazon nutter, here we go.