It can also be used to provide website links, or image links on the internet. E-Book Name: Introduction to Linden Scripting Language for Second Life. This book presents many common objects in Second Life, with complete. Note card giver can be very useful to send message to people or alert people about objects in Second Life. However, to create advanced items you must program in the Linden Scripting Language.
Treed is one of those great free tools for Windows users. Every once in a while I discover a really good free tool for Second Life, OpenSim and other virtual worlds. LlGiveInventory(llDetectKey(0),notecard) Easily make free mesh trees for OpenSim and Second Life. Right-click to display spelling suggestions Constant: integer INVENTORYNOTECARD 7 The integer constant INVENTORYNOTECARD has the value 7 Used with Inventory functions and specifies inventory items of NOTECARD type will be retrieved by the function. In order to add a notecard giver to an object, go to object click on content and then new script. In order to add the note card to avatars, simply drag and drop the note onto a Second Life avatar. Drop it into your sign prims Content tab, and add a script to give the notecard to anyone who touches the prim.

A window appears where you can type or add pictures, links etc. Type whatever you want the note card to display and save it. Select inventory at the tool bar, right click on the window which pops up and select “create note”. A return visitor gets a one-line greeting in chat but doesnt get a notecard unless he/she requests it by touching the device. The script recognizes a visitor who stays around within scan range for a while and doesnt bother him/her with a second offer. It can be set to public, owner only or group access and able to give either one notecard or every. As written, the script greets a visitor and offers a notecard. It is copy only along with a demo to show what it can do. THATS IT This script holds 100 notecards, good for anything you may have. In order to create a not card giver in Second Life the following steps should be followed. Just drag the script from your inventory into the prim you want to make the bookcase.
In this post I will show you how to create and send note card in Second life, A note card giver is a useful tool that can be added to any object in Second Life and this note card giver will elaborate on the object itself or give information or links, images about related topic which is necessary to know.